Just purchased a DJI Mini 3 with the RC screen control and was just getting used to it. I was excited to get the new drone in the air and didn’t wait for the home point to update. That turned out to be a big mistake as I hit the return to home the drone started landing about a block away in the neighbors yard.
I thought it was still above the trees but the drone had began the landing process so when I flew it towards my house it hit the tree branch and crashed into their bushes. I thought it was in their tree so I turned on the beeper to find it. I could only hear the beeping when I was on the neighbors porch and we finally found it their bushes.
I was blessed that the gimble had only popped out of place and I was able to snap it back in place. The body also had to be snapped back together in one place but, there was no major damage to drone. One suggestion I would make if this ever happens to you review the video on the controller that may help you find the drone in this situation.